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Why hasn't this already happened? Can't we just get Congress to amend the Constitution?

Given that federal courts have declined to consider Constitutional arguments in support of access to OBCs and records, it appears unlikely that there will ever be a related amendment to the U.S. Constitution. History shows that state-by-state legislative reform is rarely a "one size fits all" endeavor.  The majority party, lobby groups, legislator personal agendas and unrelated legislative priorities all influence potential amendments and outcomes. ARC believes that advocates in each state are the experts on policy or incremental steps for that state. This site is not intended to tell you how to think about any particular bill. Instead, its goal is to provide tools to help you make the decision for yourself. 


MN Gov. Walz signs SF 2995, (see SF1279) providing adult adoptee records access effective July 1, 2024.


HB 6105, repealed the state's previous "sandwich" law provides access to OBCs for adult adoptees, regardless of when the adoption took place. Click here for instructions about how to order a CT original birth certificate.  

South Dakota

Gov. Noem signs HB 1231, providing direct access to records for adult adoptees


HF855/SF589 was signed into law 5/19/21.  Click here to learn how to order an OBC from the Iowa Department of Public Health.  

Rhode Island

S250 lowered the age of access from 25 to 18, aligning the statutory age with all other non-adopted citizens. See also HB 7310, providing access to adult descendants. .   


HB2921/SB1831 was signed into law 6/29/21. Order a pre-1968 OBC here. In 2023, three senators have introduced more comprehensive bills.



SB1147, SB1329, SB1464

Three bills died. Order a pre-1968 OBC here

CA AB1302  Heavily amended in Judiciary committee. Was assigned to Health committee, but not calendared.  

FL   HB 373 filed and assigned to multiple committees. Restores pre-1977 language to the FL statute. Died in committee without a hearing.

GA  SB64  Approved by Senate. Died in the House.

MI  HB4529 Bill analysis pending.  Seeks to create a uniform OBC access process for all adoptions, regardless of date. 

​MN    SF1279  recommended for approval by Judiciary, referred to HHS. Attached to larger budget measure. Signed by governor 5/24/23.

MS SB2075  Died.

PA  SB 736  - Introduced 6/6/23.  Would repeal provisions in the 2017 law that require high school graduation and  provide for a redaction request form. Requires release of the actual OBC rather than a document "similar in form."  

RI  H7310 expands OBC access to include descendants and legal representatives.

SD  HB1231 Passed 65-4 by House, 35-0 by Senate.  Signed by governor 3/23/23. 

WI    SB15/AB13 Introduced and assigned to committees.

SB 524 Related bill designed to help descendants of deceased adoptees obtain the OBC. Enrolled 2/25/22. 

WV SB470

Introduced and assigned to committee. Relating to making adoption records accessible for medical
purposes; authorizing adult adoptees access to certain records, including adoption records
and medical history; requiring birth parents to provide certain health information; allowing
birth parents to designate a contact preference and allowing them to provide certain
information; allowing birth parents to request name redaction; providing for a name
redacting process;

Image: Billy Hathorn, SC State Senate Chamber


HR 1386 Equal Citizenship for Children Act of 2023. 

HR 451 - Protecting Families from Fertility Fraud Act of 2023

HR 1952, S 938 - Intercountry Adoption Information Act of 2019. Became law in 2020.

Image: Luis Velasquez

The law must be consonant with life. It cannot and should not ignore broad historical currents of history. Mankind is possessed of no greater urge than to try to understand the age-old questions: “Who am I” “Why am I?” Even now the sands and ashes of the continents are being sifted to find where we made our first step as man. Religions of mankind often include ancestor worship in one way or another. For many the future is blind without a sight of the past.


Those emotions and anxieties that generate our thirst to know the past are not superficial and whimsical. They are real and they are 'good cause' under the law of man and God. 


The petition is conditionally granted. 
April 9, 1979 

Resident Judge, Seventh Judicial
Circuit Court, South Carolina

Adoptee Rights Coalition

The ARC advocates for adult adoptees through its 501(c)(4) status and is focused entirely on restoring their unrestricted right to request a copy of their own original birth certificate.

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